Sunday, May 26, 2013

Final Exam Questions updated again

Interesting article for the question about most visited places in Travel -

Media - Good article for freedom of the press question -

Business and Finance - Great talk about austerity. Scottish accent, swearing and economics! -!

Relationships - Good ideas for the monogamy question -

Hey gang. I've tried to make the changes we talked about the other day plus I've made a few other little ones so please have a look again. I've also changed the settings so that anyone can now comment and there shouldn't be a verification, so please comment away. The deadline for submitting questions to my superiors is June 7th, so no changes can be made after that time. I'd like another Business question and think Ethics as well as Arts and Culture still need a little work.


1. How does consumerism influence family life?

2. Why is consumerism so important for a country's economy?

3. What do you think about shopping on Black Friday?

4. What are some interesting subcultures that you know?

5. What is the role of the media in the increased popularity of vampirism?

6. Why do people become hoarders?

7. Should local authorities help hoarders and what could be done?

Travel & Tourism

1. Why do you think people decide to spend their holidays in strange and unconventional places?

2. What are the most frequently visited places/countries and why? What are the trends?

3. What are the advantages of traveling?

4. In what way has the development of technology transformed tourism?

5. What are the reasons to travel?

6. What are the differences between 'glamping' and camping?

7. Why do people take pictures during their holidays?


1. How has technology changed society? Has it made our lives better and/or easier?

2. Does technology help to prevent crimes or the other way round, does it encourage criminals to commit crimes?

3. What are some different kinds of cyber crimes?

4. Why do people become body hackers?

5. What kind of computer hackers are there and what are the differences?

6. How can people protect themselves from becoming victims of cybercrime?

7. Is 'sextortion' an inevitable result of technological advancement?


1. Why did the "Golden Eagle Kid" video become so successful?

2. Does the freedom of the press and media really exist?

3. How important is television in your life? What kind of TV programs do you watch (if any)?

4. Explain the term "honey trap".

5. Can the Internet fully compete with television?

6. What was meant by Chris Bauer when he referred to the democratization of the news?

7. Why has it been said that TV is a social killer?

Business & Finance

1. Is income inequality only a problem for the 99%

2. Describe how the level of inequality in the US has evolved over the past century.

3. Should the super rich be taxed at a higher rate than the poor? Justify your choice.

4. What is meant by the term fiat currency and what gives it value?

5. What are some of the causes of the current financial crisis?

6. What is a Ponzi scheme and how does it compare to the financial system?

7. Is it true that nobody could have predicted the financial crisis?

Politics & Society

1.Would you ever take part in a protest?

2. Is protesting an effective way of expressing dissatisfaction with the government?

3. How do you feel about the techniques used by the police during the UK tuition protests and the sentencing of the rioters after the UK riots?

4. Is violence as a part of protests ever justified?

5. What's the difference between riots and protests?

6. What options do people in non-democratic states have to express their dissatisfaction?

7. What was the trigger for student protests in Quebec and what do you think would happen if it happened in Poland?


1. Are polyamorous relationships possible to maintain over the long term?

2. Is it possible to claim that monogamy is superior to polygamy or vice versa?

3. Why do people become involved in polyamorous relationships?

4. What benefits of monogamy and polygamy can you think of?

5. Why would someone want to have a long term relationship with a death-row convict?

6. Could you present some of the possible societal and personal benefits derived from intercultural relationships?

7. What kind of problems resulting from intercultural marriage can you think of?


1. Who or what was responsible for the financial crisis?

2. Explain the term 'revolving door'. Give some examples.

3. Why do rich people quite often get away with criminal and/or unethical behavior?

4. Are rich people less ethical than the rest of society?

5. Where do people get their notions of right and wrong from?

6. What is meant by the term 'moral hazard'?

7. Should employers employ family members in their company?

Arts & Culture

1. To what extent should art represent reality?

2. Should art be funded with public money?

3. Should art which is controversial or offensive be censored?

 4. What was the purpose of the film 'Exit Through the Gift Shop' in your view?

5. Was the Thierry character real? What was Banksy trying to satirise through his character?

6. Is there such a thing as good or bad art? Who is able to decide this?

7. Is graffiti vandalism or art?


  1. When it comes to economy, I think the question about crisis in Cyprus was fine... can we restore it?

  2. Well, I do want at least one more question for business and finance. If I don't get any other suggestions I'll probably put it back in.

  3. no, I don't thnik that putting this question back is a good idea

  4. We've got a lively debate here! Any suggestion for a question instead of the one on Cyprus Anonymous June 2?

  5. I also think it isn't the most fortunate idea to put back this Cyprus question. How about restoring this one: "Which products should be untaxed?" or maybe something connected with this movie "Inside Job"?

  6. Definitely, this one:"Which products should be untaxed"

  7. Hey. There's no consensus about the Cyprus question and I'm not sure about the tax question so here are my suggestions for business:

    What is the securitization food chain (and how did it make the financial system riskier)?
    What is a Ponzi scheme and how does it compare to the financial system?
    Is it true that nobody could have predicted the financial crisis?

  8. What is a Ponzi scheme and how does it compare to the financial system?
    Is it true that nobody could have predicted the financial crisis?

  9. Thanks anonymous. Anyone else have an opinion?

  10. def the second one
