Saturday, April 6, 2013

Business & Finance - Film

Hey y'all. Well, we haven't exactly what I'd call stellar attendance the last few classes. For both those who missed the last class and those who came, here's a site where you can stream the movie we watched. If you were in class you might want to start somewhere around the 72 minute mark where we stopped. I will have a pen drive with the movie on it (and subtitles) with me for the next few weeks if you want to get it from me that way. There will be questions from the film on the final exam.

As for the previous two classes, here are some links to help you whether you were there or not: You can download the inequality slides I used in class here. The site has other inequality stories but if you want full context there's no replacement for reading the book. I do have it if anyone wants to borrow it.

I'll try to get our article for the next topic, ethics, up in the next few days.

1 comment:

  1. 1. What are the reasons for inequalities and its consequences?

    2. Should the super rich be taxed at a higher rate?

    3. Why does money have value?

    4. What are some of the causes of the current financial crisis?

    5. What is fiat (virtual) currency?

    6. Describe the origins of the crisis in Cyprus and its consequences

    7. Do you think the tax rate should be differentiated according to
    citizens’ wages, or should a flat tax be introduced?
    8. Which products should be untaxed?
