Sunday, October 21, 2012

Politics and Society Wrap up (Hooray!)

Hey everyone. I think we've got more than enough material for this unit so there's no new assigned reading for this week. What I'd like though is for you to consider everything we've read and discussed, perhaps read a bit more on any specific topic that interests you, and come to class ready to discuss questions we can use in the final exam. We need somewhere between six and ten. Please have a few ideas to suggest so that we don't sit around staring at each other with nothing to say. See you Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. Here are some of the questions we discussed for the Politics and Society unit:

    1. Would you ever take part in a protest?
    2. Is protesting an effective way of expressing dissatisfaction with the government?
    3. Was the sentencing of the rioters in the UK riots fair?
    4. Is violence, for example as a part of protests, ever justified?
    5. What's the difference between riots and protests?
    6. What options do people in non-democratic states have to express their dissatisfaction?
    7. Is austerity a justifiable or efficient way of dealing with the present economic crisis?
    8. How can we influence the government's decisions?
    9. Was the kettling technique used by the police during the UK tuition protests justified?
    10. What made the student protests in Quebec successful.
    11. What do you think would happen if a bill similar to Quebec's Bill-78 were passed in Poland?

    That's a start, they of course need some work.
